Monday, March 26, 2012

Effects of Genetic Manipulation

Genetic manipulation is an un-natural practice by which the scientists can produce any organism with desired traits. Along with some advantages, this manipulation can have several harmful effects over the society which are discussed as follows:

1.    1. An organism which is born through un-natural means can have an untested genetic build up and if such genes become a part of the society can lead to many disasters.

2.  2.  It can also cause an ecological imbalance. The new organism can be resistant to certain drugs and antibiotics which can lead to the introduction of certain resistant variety of a disease causing harmful microbe.

3.   3. There are high chances that the information of changing the genetic make up could be misused.

4.    4. The genetically modified foods can cause an allergy among certain people who are allergic to a particular chemical. Moreover they will become the part of out genetic structure and can cause mutations at small level in our DNA.

5.  5.   The organisms which are used for testing die an un-natural death or have to undergo a lot of pain so they are given “mercy killing” in the end (As in case of Sheep clone Dolly). This practice of torturing the animals is unacceptable.

6.    6. There is also a risk of generating a superior human species which can be misused. 

7.   7.  There is a small but significant risk of the transmission of usually fatal zoonotic diseases. The introduction of these diseases to the human population could have devastating consequences.

8.  8.   There are other unknown risks related to environment. 

9.  9.  The genetically modified crops will prove expensive to the farmers because the seeds of such crops cannot be used to sow the crop again. So the farmer has to buy the seed every time. (As in case of BT cotton)
1. One of the major factor of concern is Bioterrorism where a deadly pathogen is used as a weapon. Bioterrorism can lead to huge disasters and loss of several lives across the globe.

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